Beat Wordle with Excel

I added over 2,300 words made of 5 letters to an Excel file.
When I play wordle, I use these Excel slicers to eliminate words based on the letters I use in my guesses.
For example, if the letter shows green or yellow, I select “Yes” on the slicer for that letter. In this case, the filters will keep the words containing this letter.
If the letter is not in the word and it turns gray, I select “Nope”. In this case, the filters will eliminate all the words that contain this letter that was marked in gray.
With every selection, the list of words reduces even more, leaving me with less choices.

I have 3 words that I usually use to start the game: AUDIO, SPEND and CHART. AUDIO has 4 vowels. This eliminates a lot of words from the fist try. Once you add the other 2 words, I use all the vowels and also 14 unique letters out of a total of 21 in the alphabet. These 3 words will always reduce my list to less than 10 words remaining.

If you want this Excel template, Download it from the link below: