Learn Excel for Free

Learn the essential Excel concepts in this Free Excel Tutorial. These will help you pass any job interview or to do great with most of the job requirements.

The best Excel experts will tell you that there’s about 20% or less that you can learn in Excel that will help you do 80% of the tasks in any job.

These concepts are organized by skill level. Start with the level you are at and move at your own pace.

Or jump straight to some of the real-life examples that will teach you how to use these essential concepts

The Excel Basics

The most useful Excel Functions

Many people are considered EXPERTS in Excel just by knowing these most useful functions. These few functions will help you create the most impact in your job with Excel. Don’t try to learn every single function. Start with these and learn on demand.

  • VLOOKUP – the most used function of Excel
  • XLOOKUP – the replacement for VLOOKUP
  • The IF function – is used for quick decisions on your data
  • The SUMIF function – is used for quick summaries
  • The CONCATENATE function – join texts, numbers and formula results
  • Pick from a drop down list that can be adjusted dynamically

More Excel Functions

The Excel Pivot Table

Without a doubt, pivot tables are THE most powerful feature of Excel. Learn the basics on how to use Pivot tables by clicking on the links below.

(less known fact) In many offices, people that know pivot tables are considered Excel Gurus.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and macros

Before you skip this part, have a look, you don’t need to know any coding to be able to write some basic macros. The secret is to use the “record” function. Few people know that there is a very easy way to start with macros by recording them with no coding skills whatsoever.

If you are NOT a programmer, these Excel Macro tutorials are for you.

Macros will take your Excel skills to the next level. Macros are scary for many people.

Real Life Excel examples

The best method to learn Excel is to look at what other people are doing and to use Excel to solve your own problems. Below are some examples that our readers needed help with.

These excel tutorials will give you a step by step instructions on how to use Excel to solve real case studies suggested by our readers. Do you have your own? Reach out by email below.

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