Power BI error: We’re unable to connect. Please delete your credentials and try again later. 

If you have this error in Power BI, there is a simple solution that might solve it. Before trying this make sure you use the latest version of Power Bi, as accepted by your organization and your Power BI tenant administrator. It will also help if you reboot your computer. If any of these do not solve your problem, follow the steps below. Step 1. Go to the File Menu - Options and Settings, and click on Data Source Settings Step 2. Select the Data Source causing you the error and Click on Clear Permissions Step 3. Go back...read more

Power BI Error: Information is needed in order to combine data

I had this happen to me on a dataset that was refreshing OK in the Power BI Desktop application but not refreshing in the service. The service was giving the error: "Information is needed in order to combine data" The dataset was a very simple combination of 2 tables. The 2 tables were a result of 2 API calls done with an API key on a cloud website. Error The error "Information is needed in order to combine data" was only happening on the Power BI service. When I was trying to refresh the dataset, it would not do...read more